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Framing Fine Art

When you consider buying a work of fine art for your home, like a painting or a photograph, there are many other decisions that follow. One of the major ones is how to present the art in the most striking and beautiful way. The kind of frame you choose will have more of an impact than you might think. It is never a good idea to skimp on the frame, as the impact of the piece will be largely influenced by how it is mounted and displayed. For this reason, it’s important to choose the right frame – right for the piece, right for the room, and right for you. A good framer is usually skilled in finding the best frame, mat, color, space, etc. to bring the piece to life, and make it live and age well, as something to bring you enjoyment forever. A framer who is also an artist is especially gifted at this. Dan Edwards Framing in Los Gatos, CA is my favorite and can turn almost anything into art. He will often use a “shadow box” to create negative space around an image, and this also adds a three dimensional quality to the piece. The size and quality of the frame and mat are also important, and you will never regret the extra money spent to do it right. There are also aspects of the artwork that need to be taken into account.Not every frame will suit your piece – for example, sometimes a detailed, visually complex work will be best set off with a plain frame, as an intricate one will only detract from what’s most important – the work itself. Also, an artist will be able to tell you what he or she imagined for the piece when they created it, and although this isn’t necessary binding, it’s definitely something to consider. Many works may already be framed when you purchase the art, but often it will benefit from a do-over with a higher quality frame. Even a simple object–like a child’s drawing can be transformed by a good framer. Buying an inexpensive frame and doing it yourself is like being your own doctor–not a good idea! Another aspect to consider, is the wall that the painting is going on. If it’s a yellow wall, for instance, you might not want a light wooden frame, as the colors might not show the painting or print to advantage. Take a photo of the space in question, and show it to your framer to help with the choice of colors, the final dimensions and how well it fits the space you have chosen for your art to live. If you follow these simple guidelines, you will be rewarded every time you look at your wall, and your friends will comment on the beauty this art piece brings to your living space. P. Miller www.humanlandscapes.com

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